Team Building - Example Activities

Our team building and leadership development programmes can be delivered either indoors or outdoors. We are well qualified and very experienced in delivering a wide range of activities that can be engineered to be a high motivation 'shared experience' event, or a task within a programme module.
We can also provide a very wide and varied range of team building exercises that can reflect a group's team challenges, develop the leadership of the individuals and simulate the task processes of the group.
We are also regularly devising and designing new, unique team building exercises and activities to make the programme enjoyable, memorable, and - perhaps most importantly - meaningful to the course objectives.
There is in excess of 200 team building exercises in our portfolio - most of which can be substantially modified to suit the group size, the venue and the pre-determined course objectives.
Below are a few examples of our team building exercises:-

This exercise is based around a team of between 10 and 40 people broken down into sub-units of 2 - 4. Each unit is given their own objective and working guidelines, which link into the overall group objective.
Success is judged on a group basis, rather than for individual units, so it is a collaborative rather than competitive exercise.
Each sub-unit works in a specified area and is tasked with designing and building part of a "Rollerball" track that must meet certain design specifications and ultimately link in with the other teams' constructions.
Teams need to interact and share information in order to develop an effective process to ensure the balls travels through all the necessary zones and meets the requirements and constraints of the exercise. For example, the ball must travel from one zone through other specified zones, negotiating right angle bends and free-falls, and must stay in those zones for a minimum time period.
There are limited resources available to the group, and each team is given a budget with which to acquire these. Again, collaboration will enhance results. Teams are also rewarded for originality and creativity.
Number Crunch

The team must be effectively led and motivated to work as one unified group to reach their objective of visiting each numbered location in a short period of time.
Debriefing points:
- Leadership and co-ordination
- Strategy and planning
- Adapting approach
- Optimising financial results

1 - 2 x Groups.
Photographs and clues are matched to different locations, and the information must be co-ordinated at a central point.
The team is challenged with going to the location(s) that the 40 photos were taken to retrieve a clue and further instructions – with only 1 set of photos between everyone!
And they don’t even know their deadline!!

The group will be asked to set their own team target of how many 'customers' (balls) they can manage at one time. This involves devising a sequence between the group to achieve maximum results without making any mistakes.
We introduce different balls which represent different degrees of complexity, challenging the group's preparation and approach to a variety 'customers' needs.
Debriefing points:
- How to maintain focus when pressure is applied
- Ensuring effective communication
- Clarifying the approach for dealing with the unexpected
- Setting expectations and reviewing delivery
- Treating every internal/external customer with care and coordination
Sensory Square

This exercise involves teams to be blindfolded and positioned in the area where 2 x ropes are laid down, separately, within their vicinity.
Their task is to locate both ropes and convert them into a perfect square while blindfolded inside 20 minutes.
Debriefing points:
- Team support
- Quality communication
- Collaboration & Coordination
Acid River

This exercise involves 2 x teams split on 2 sides of a divide, seeing how they work when split physically, focusing on communication, co-ordination and control, sharing of ideas, planning, and quality control.
Debriefing points:
- Mitigating barriers
- Short and medium term planning
- Self-sufficiency from remote leaders
Red & White

There is a specific time managed agenda and itinerary, which puts the group under pressure.
The key challenge is for the sub-groups to maximise the commercial value from the task, however there is always a great danger that the individuals attempt to gain financial progress at the expense of the other group!
Debriefing points:
- Engaging the other group to 'buy-in' to collaboration
- Commercial consequences when collaboration is lacking or difficult
- Effective communication and influence across barriers
- Strategic planning accounting for others' behaviours
Through the Hoop

Taking the full team through the 'hoop' within the 'stretching' time limit is likely to exceed the group's own self-limitations.
Debriefing points:
- Individual expectations Vs team dynamics
- Overcoming 'Self-limiting beliefs'
- Changing attitudes to reach high performance status
- Feedback reviewing individual & team applications
Raise the Flag

Team(s) – to raise the Flag pole and send the flag up the flagpole within the no-go zone using the resources provided.
Debriefing points:
- Planning approach
- Utilising skills within the team
- Team Coordination